Food & Agricultural Product Testing Services


The production and delivery of food is a complex process, involving multiple individuals and companies. During this process, it is possible for the food or agricultural products to be exposed to biological hazards (such as E. Coli), chemical hazards (pesticides, antibiotics) and physical hazards (foreign objects such as wood or glass). To prevent contaminated food from being sent to dealers and consequently, consumers, food testing is a vital step.

Food testing is the process of providing detailed, scientifically accurate data about agricultural and marine food products and product packaging. It is vital in ensuring that consumers get safe, good food that is free of hazards. The tests are also key in correctly labeling the nutritional aspects of a product. The testing at our NABL notified food testing lab in Chennai also includes testing of packaged food, canned food, etc to determine quality and shelf-life study.

At SFTS, we conduct extensive tests to help manufacturers provide safe, non-contaminated food. To achieve this goal, we perform the below tests:

  • Chemical
  • Biological
  • Mechanical

Chemical Testing

This includes a detailed physio-chemical analysis. We can detect the presence of antibiotics , food additives, food adulterants, heavy metals, minerals, contaminants and naturally occurring toxic substances. Our state-of-the-art technology also helps detect pesticide and antibiotics residues. We also give a nutritional breakdown of food products so manufacturers can provide correct nutritional labeling.

Biological Testing

To ensure that hygienic standards are maintained during food production, our agricultural products testing lab in Chennai conducts biological testing which includes the identification and enumeration of micro-organisms present in products. We also detect harmful pathogens present in raw products The working environment also plays a role in maintaining the hygienic standards of food so we offer swab testing of utensils, surfaces the food is processed and worked on as well as the handlers of these products. We also offer atmospheric testing.

Mechanical Testing

Poor packaging practices such as the use of low quality, incompatible materials and improper sealing leads to contaminated or spoiled food. To avoid this, we use various tests at our food analysis lab in Chennai such as the migration test, the dimension test and elongation test to determine the right packaging materials to use. Other tests are used to determine the co-efficient of friction, bursting strength, seal strength, compression strength and more.

Your Full Service Lab for Clinical Trials

Opening hours


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm

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