Milk Testing


Milk testing and quality control are a vital part of the milk processing industry. As milk is composed of 87% water, it is unfortunately prone to impurities and adulteration, whether in transport or by dodgy middlemen.

The high nutritive value of milk makes it an ideal medium for multiplication of bacteria. This can happen under sub-optimal production and storage at incorrect temperatures.

It’s essential, then, that quality tests are carried out at various stages of transportation- Producer to the processor and finally to the consumer.

There are many such tests done at our milk and dairy products testing lab in Chennai, depending on the desired outcome. Here are some of them:

  • Organoleptic
  • Clot on Boiling Quality
  • Acidity Test


Clot on Boiling Quality

Acidity Test

  • PH Test
  • Inhibitor Quality Test
  • Lactometer Test

Lactometer Test

Biological Testing

To ensure that hygienic standards are maintained during food production, our agricultural products testing lab in Chennai conducts biological testing which includes the identification and enumeration of micro-organisms present in products. We also detect harmful pathogens present in raw products The working environment also plays a role in maintaining the hygienic standards of food so we offer swab testing of utensils, surfaces the food is processed and worked on as well as the handlers of these products. We also offer atmospheric testing.

Mechanical Testing

Poor packaging practices such as the use of low quality, incompatible materials and improper sealing leads to contaminated or spoiled food. To avoid this, we use various tests at our food analysis lab in Chennai such as the migration test, the dimension test and elongation test to determine the right packaging materials to use. Other tests are used to determine the co-efficient of friction, bursting strength, seal strength, compression strength and more.

  • Freezing Point
  • Dye Reduction
  • Butterfat Quality

Butterfat Quality Test

Biological Testing

To ensure that hygienic standards are maintained during food production, our agricultural products testing lab in Chennai conducts biological testing which includes the identification and enumeration of micro-organisms present in products. We also detect harmful pathogens present in raw products The working environment also plays a role in maintaining the hygienic standards of food so we offer swab testing of utensils, surfaces the food is processed and worked on as well as the handlers of these products. We also offer atmospheric testing.

Mechanical Testing

Poor packaging practices such as the use of low quality, incompatible materials and improper sealing leads to contaminated or spoiled food. To avoid this, we use various tests at our food analysis lab in Chennai such as the migration test, the dimension test and elongation test to determine the right packaging materials to use. Other tests are used to determine the co-efficient of friction, bursting strength, seal strength, compression strength and more.

Your Full Service Lab for Clinical Trials

Opening hours


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm


9:30am - 6pm

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